Awe: Intern Post by Paige Keiter

Kenya is one of the most interesting, humbling, and amazing places I have ever been to. What amazes me the most is the overall attitude and demeanor of the community. Everywhere you look you see neighbors greeting one another and family helping each other out in every way possible. Something interesting that I have noticed is the attitude of the kids in Kenya (especially the young ones). It is rare to see a whining toddler or grouchy child anywhere. They all seem to possess a work ethic that no child in the US ever has.We spent a day getting water with the women and one of their children. We all watched in amazement as a girl, no older than the age of three, held a pitcher of water obediently atop her crown and walked the entire way home… barefoot.The sense of respect and humility the children possess in Kenya in comparison to children back home shows how different we are all raised. We grow up expecting so much simply because it’s so easily attained. I think we learn at a very young age to have certain expectations while kids here are immediately expected of; in other words they know their role in the family and never complain about the work they have to do in order to help the greater good.Kenyans, and all Africans for that matter, are an amazing people and in all the observations I have made thus far I can honestly say I do not pity them despite their downfalls; rather, I envy them for their amazing work ethic, inspiring family relationships, and awe-inspiring will to tolerate the worst and smile the whole way.


Wow! What a First Day


Perseverance: Intern Post by John Keiter