Kenya Keys

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Before & After

Mariam Omar has captured the hearts of so many Kenya Keys’ interns and leaders. In fact, her sponsor is an intern, Paige Sparks, who met Mariam in 2011 while filming video footage for Kenya Keys. Click here to watch the moving video of Mariam pleading for an education. What happened after the video is even more touching. As Paige was preparing to leave, Mariam tearfully pleaded, “Don’t forget about me.” Paige promised: “I will never forget about you, from this day on, we are family.”Over the last four years, Mariam and Paige have been sisters. This is how they refer to each other in letters. And their love for each other has been a source of strength to both of them. Mariam has been sustained by Paige’s sponsorship and love. She pushes herself because she wants to make her sister proud. And Paige thinks of Mariam daily. Knowing the challenges Mariam faces helps keep Paige grounded and inspired, no matter what her day brings. “Anytime I feel like I have it really rough or that I can’t take another second of my first world problems,” Paige says, “I think of her.”Mariam completed secondary school in December and is awaiting her results with great hope and anticipation. Paige is also eager to find out how Mariam scored. But regardless of the score Mariam achieved, her life is already changed forever. Click on the link below to see how Mariam has grown and to hear Mariam express her gratitude and joy, and her anticipation for a bright future.Mariam Omar Mariga 2016