First Impressions

Yesterday I met Kenya Keys students in person for the first time. I thought I would be impressed by them, but in fact, I was blown away. I first met Khalid who has the energy and initiative to move mountains. Then I met five amazing young women attending various colleges in Mombasa.

At first, these young women were shy, but as each shared her story, their resilience, intelligence, and joy shone through. Then as they shared details about their lives as students, my awe increased.

These students study and work hard with very little to eat. They stay focused on their studies even though they worry about their families, knowing that in the future their education will benefit those they love.

And the JOY, the contagious joy that they exude with great hope for the future! They have not let the lack of physical items plague their spirit. Instead, they are grateful. Grateful for their families, grateful for their health, grateful for their community, and grateful for their sponsorships to go to school.

My first impressions have turned into lasting impressions. To be resilient. To strive for excellence. And to be joyous in whatever life offers.


There Would Be No Khalid


February 2022 Intern Team