I Want to be a Good Modern

It is nearing the end of the day. The sun is considering her 6:00 plunge. On the equator there is nothing hesitant about her exit. She decides on it, and she is gone.I am walking with my friend Dzombo, pastor and member of our Board. As always, his face is glowing with his irrepressible smile. He is especially happy now. He is telling me that his wife, Winifred, is expecting a baby in September. He is certain it is a boy – a “boy child,” as they say. His daughter is now three years old.“I will have but two children,” he says. “Verry rare in Africa. Verry rare,” he says with his velvet voice and beautifully rolled “r”. “It is a good size family because we can live off one packet of ugali for two weeks. I want to be a good modern.” (Ugali is made of maize flour and water, shaped in a mound that can be cut into pieces. It is the mainstay of the Kenyan diet.)


I Cried Really Hard


Nightfall at Egu