Kenya Keys is Making a Difference: Intern Post by Deborah Shimkus

We have been in Kenya just over a week and are overwhelmed by three things: the loving and open-hearted people who so generously welcome us into their community, the incredibly adverse conditions in which the people live, and the amazing difference Kenya Keys has made in so many lives. We have visited school after school, met with students who strive to learn despite having no food, walking to school for hours and having to care for other family members.The only thing that matches the intense poverty and adversity here is the incredible energy Brent and Rinda give to helping. I have never seen anyone work so tirelessly; all day they give of themselves to the children, meet with teachers and elders and talk personally with every sponsored child. Long after everyone else has gone to bed, Brent does paperwork to be certain all documentation is complete, every dollar donated is going to the most crucial needs, and all community leaders are involved in developing the most effective programs.When the rooster crows early in the morning Rinda is up to say ‘jambo’ to the children and to hand out books for them to read. And thus another day begins – more visits to schools, libraries, and community members. Their work never ends. Every day more people come to them to tell them of yet another school with 80-100 students in each class. But they love their work. They laugh with the children and cry when faced with the difficult realities of the people here. They persevere through all challenges.The difference Kenya Keys has made is evident everywhere we go. Mama Rinda and Baba Brent are loved and respected by everyone.  It is such an honor to be a part of this organization – to be part of truly making a difference here in Africa.


Doing What We Can: Intern Post by Aliska Kilgore


The Long-awaited Sight