Where There is Talent: Intern Post by Bryson White

I am amazed by the talent that exists here in Kenya. Everywhere I look I see extremely bright, gifted, intelligent people. There is no shortage of dedication, motivation, or excellence. Early last week we made the journey to Bahakwenu Primary School. While we were there the students put on a wonderful display of athleticism for us: the Kenyan Bush’s version of the high jump. It was quite simple really, a stick that was laid across two upright posts. No landing pad. No fancy shoes. No real score card. But my goodness, these kids could jump. Most of them cleared the bar when it was placed at their own height. Some cleared it at over 6 feet high. It was very impressive, and they did it in flip-flops nonetheless!And their talent does not stop with athleticism. While visiting classrooms I have never seen students so eager to learn. They absorb new information like a sponge and are extremely curious about the world around them. I am convinced that if they were to have the same opportunities as most American students, their performance would blow the Americans (myself very much included) right out of the water.There is so much natural talent in this area. The only thing that is lacking is opportunity. I am so glad to be here with an organization like Kenya Keys that seeks solely to provide those opportunities to these communities. I am convinced that the students we work with here in Kenya can compete with the best and brightest students from anywhere in the world if given the chance. Their hard-work, honesty, and natural hunger for knowledge are what will carry their country (and continent) into a much brighter future.


Africa Together: Intern Post by Alicia Richardson


Showered with Kindness: Intern Post by Kristy White