Kenya Keys

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Showered with Kindness: Intern Post by Kristy White

For as long as I can remember the American media generally portrays Africa in a negative light. A person could easily be led to believe that Africa is a dangerous place full of corruption, war, and unfriendly people. Perhaps this may be true for parts of Africa, but the experience I have had here in Taru with Kenya Keys has been completely different.I have been in Kenya for over a week now and each person I come into contact with has showered me, a total stranger, with love and kindness. I have clearly found a different Africa then I read about in the media. Just this evening I was standing in the middle of a pathway, completely dark outside, just gazing up at the beautiful stars. A local Kenyan came walking along the same path, without a light, and nearly ran into me before he saw me. This man did not stop and demand why I was stopped in the middle of the pathway in the dark, but he welcomed me to his village and said he was grateful to have visitors. After spending a few minutes talking with me the man thanked me for the conversation and continued on his journey. Never before have I felt so comfortable and welcomed.The people of Taru are so easy to love. Within minutes I went from feeling like a total stranger to feeling like a lifelong friend. I never expected such kindness. I can’t help but give my heart to these people and love them back! This experience has opened my eyes to look at my own relationships and attitude towards others. I want to be as warm and welcoming to others, stranger or lifelong friend, as the people here have been to me.